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Your Liver, Your Health

The Demands of Modern Livering

by Melissa Gonella |Aug 15, 2019 | General Health

The liver plays an important role with digestion, metabolism, protein synthesis, monitoring healthy hormone levels, immunity, detoxification and blood filtration. It stores essential nutrients, including vitamins, A, D, E, K, copper and iron. The liver also has a synergistic relationship with the gallbladder as they work to maintain healthy digestive function. Whilst we can survive without our gallbladder, our liver has to work even harder when it is removed.

We live in a toxic world so our liver is under duress, constantly trying to keep up with the demands of modern livering. As the captain of the digestive control centre, it processes everything you eat, drink, inhale and put on your skin. The liver either circulates and stores or detoxes and flushes away. Modern living creates such a strain that often the liver cannot keep up with the demand and toxins begin to accumulate which becomes a vicious cycle. It is under such strain that it becomes the work horse that can’t keep up with the demand, accumulating toxins, which further slows down its function thus creating a vicious circle.

An optimal functioning liver will break down fats into useable energy, clean the blood of cells and excess hormones, and ensure you have the correct amount of nutrients flowing through your blood. It also works with the pancreas to ensure your blood sugar levels are steady between meals and whilst you are sleeping.

Taking the strain off your liver is vital in order to maintain a steady and balanced function and support continued good health. We do not want to see any of these processes slow down or get sluggish, so taking the strain off your liver is an important way of supporting good health.
Whether its auto-immune disorders, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, allergies, unexplained pain in the body, hormone related problems, leaky gut, skin problems (rosacea, eczema, psoriasis) or weight problems, becoming more liver health conscious is going to be beneficial.

Consider loving your liver more if any of these apply to you;

  • You have had your gallbladder removed
  • You take regular medication
  • You use synthetic hormones such as HRT, Thyroxin, contraception Pill or other similar contraceptive or hormone suppressives
  • You are quick to anger or feel excessively frustrated relatively often
  • You exceed the recommended daily levels of alcohol
  • You consume excessive levels of sugar
  • You have adrenal fatigue (more about adrenal function)
  • You have any other type of hormonal imbalance presenting symptoms

Some tips on how to love your liver more;

  • Avoid taking unnecessary medications or drugs (too many chemicals can harm the liver)
  • Drink alcohol responsibly
  • Be mindful of what you are breathing in. Things like insect repellent, cigarette smoke, artificial deodorisers, chemical sprays and toxins excreted from new furnishings or within a working environment are damaging.  Consider whether you can reduce your exposure or improve ventilation
  • Be mindful what you put on your skin as up to 60% can be absorbed into your body. Regulations around the ingredients of skin products are limited. (Recommend reading Toxic Beauty, by Mellowship, Dawn. Explaining how the hidden chemicals in cosmetics are harming)
  • Exercise regularly – choose to walk further and take the stairs
  • Eat a well-balanced, nutritionally rich diet and consider eating organic.  Organic foods are not only the cleaner option in regards to chemical residue, the are also more mineral rich and balanced compared to crops grown with herbicides.  If budget compromised, especially avoid conventional green leafy vegetables. Then try focus on tomatoes, potatoes, berries, grapes, stone fruit, apples and pears.
  • Supporting healthy bowel movements will support the elimination of toxins.  Constipation is not good.
  • Drink filtered and alkalized water – 2 litres a day is a good benchmark.
  • Come into the clinic and find out exactly what your liver needs to be able to function better.  Is it suffering because of blocked emotions, hormone balance, lifestyle choices, physical function or inappropriate supplement use (not all health supplements are created equal or maybe they just don’t suit you). Find out how we can identify and improve these things for you.

At Melissa Gonella Neuro-Training Kinesiology, we pride ourselves in becoming a part of your wellness team. We work at a deep level to empower you to make change, to unstick where you are stuck so that you can achieve your goals.  New clients are welcome to book a FREE 30 minute check-up where we can look specifically at how your liver adapts (or not) to challenge (this is available when you book online).

And if during your clinic sessions, there is any indication that you will benefit from a liver-gallbladder cleanse, we will use Neuro-Training to optimise your elimination functions so you can cleanse toxins more effectively and with greater ease.  This maybe supported by nutritional recommendations which are tailored specifically to you.  We will clear the debris of any unsupportive mental, emotional and energetic patterns necessary so that you can optimize your liver and gall bladder function and live with more liver love, health and vitality!

I hope that you found this article to be helpful. Please remember that I am not a doctor so if your liver function is of serious concern please go and get it checked out.

Melissa Gonella

Melissa Gonella is a Neuro-Trainer and a Kinesiologist with a special interest in women’s health and well-being.  Her practice is located in Eltham, Melbourne, Australia.  She is a facilitator of the popular mother and daughter workshop, Celebration Day for Girls™ and Father’s Celebrating Daughters™.